
The cognitive image profiling method image and symbols accessing the subconscious

This method has been prepared to support human development therapies. The Cognitive Image Profiling method was created by Vivian John Crow Hurst, an English psychic artist. His knowledge of the human psyche was acquired through courses with Jane Duncan and Philip Rogers, who in turn were students of Louise Hay. Avid reader on issues of justice and love.
Vivian John Crow Hurst leaves this wonderful legacy to mental and emotional health professionals as one more tool to discover the blockages and potential of each human being who sets out to achieve his goals and is determined to become aware of the need to make positive changes in his life and lovingly accept the ancestral roots that formed him.
This method reveals the emotions that the unborn baby went through during his prenatal life and as well in the moment of birth. We must remember the first ecosystem we live in is our mother’s womb. Healing those dysfunctional emotions that did not belong to the unborn baby and lovingly accepting the best of his heritage through previous generations, thus honoring his roots, mainly his parents, is something extremely relevant if we want an emotional healthier society.
The purpose of this method of analysis is for the individual to reconcile with their pain and to feel compassionately for himself and for those who raised him. In this way, by healing their history, they will allow themselves to understand their own vulnerability and that of human beings who are part of their generational line. Likewise, he will recover his value as a loving spirit and will take responsibility for his future decisions, emotions, and feelings.
IT IS OUR COMMITMENT WITH OURSELVES WHAT MAKES THE DIFFERENCE. The quality of life we have is due to the decisions we make unconsciously and with this method of analysis we delve into it to understand where we must focus our attention in order to make the necessary changes in our attitudes and thus modify the perspective that we have of life making the decisions that best suit us to achieve emotional balance and live a full life, fulfilling the mission we have in the world.

Most of the time it is not known specifically what needs to be changed since the root of the problem has not been reached. With this method, this objective is achieved, streamlining the help procedure that will be given to the client and thus optimizing the therapy work
that is provided. Every human being is unique and unrepeatable. The life we live is short compared to the life of the Universe, we must live it intensively and in happiness, leaving the best of ourselves as a legacy to our descendants and to the rest of Humanity. MUSIC AS A MARVELOUS TOOL TO HEAL PRENATAL AND BIRTH TRAUMA


Maria de Leon

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