
Providing Abortion On Demand: Exploring The Use Of Induced Abortion As A Family Planning Option In Two Urban Cities Of Ghana

The Ghanaian abortion law was amended in 1985 to ensure more availability and accessibility of safe abortion services as permitted by law. Contrary to the legal provision for abortion in Ghana, anecdotal evidence suggest the use of abortion as a family planning option in Ghana hence this exploratory study. Using a cross-sectional and descriptive design, data was obtained from 50 health facilities comprising private (42) and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO) (8). Ten in-depth interviews were also held with midwife providers (6) and medical officers (4) between January 2010 and December 2017 in Accra and Kumasi Metropolises. Findings show that patronage of abortion services in health facilities within Accra and Kumasi Metropolises increase steadily each year. Abortion services in NGO facilities were however reported as target driven and providers’ performances/bonuses were tied to meeting set targets thereby encouraging abortion on demand


Fred Yao Gbagbo

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